Today’s Reading – Romans 12:18

Don’t get it twisted- pushing one’s buttons is not so much about the physical act of touching a button and pressing or pushing it as it were, it is an idiomatic expression that relates to the emotional experience that is capable of bringing out the worst in you, if you release your guard. That’s what it is- isn’t it just natural to charge back and hit someone, verbally and sometimes physically, that takes pleasure in getting you upset?

How easy can living at peace with all men be, especially in today’s environment where some people appear to catch fun by creating drama and problems for others? 

It is a fact that it could be difficult to accommodate everyone and “live peaceably with all men”; sometimes it may seem that no matter what we do to live at peace with others, they still initiate problems and conflict- it may be a struggle to adapt in obedience but that is the expectation of our Lord and Master and we’re better in obedience. Besides, He understands what we might stand against, what with people with differing viewpoints whose only intention is to force their opinion down your throat as they argue continuously for their voices to be heard, with no regard for the views of others? That would be the essence of “If it is possible, as much as depends on you.”

It is a reality that you may encounter some people that may not be fun to get along with and it gets worse if they’re so close that you cannot avoid them- we still have a duty to ensure that we remain in the love of God by showing them love and by His grace we can. 

Dear Holy Spirit, I relay on Your help to make me love and live in peace with the un-peaceful people around my life, in Jesus’ name, amen.

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